We have leased the InBody 270 which is an impedance scale that uses 8 sensors to calculate Body Composition into a 1 page report. Much more convenient than the traditional dunk tank or caliper measurement.
This will create a Baseline of your Body Composition to help track your progress.
Because of the cost of the unit and cloud subscription we plan to charge for the use of the unit.
The following rates will apply:
Free First Scan
$10 per scan after
This will be charged through our Wodify system as a separate line item.
Because the 8 sensors need to contact skin, wipes will be used on hands and feet before and after testing.
DO maintain your normal hydration level the day before
DO stand upright for at least 5 minutes
DO use the restroom
DO remove all metal objects and heavy clothing
DON’T eat or exercise at least 3 hours before testing
DON’T consume alcohol or excess caffeine at least 24 hours before testing
DON’T shower or use a sauna right before testing
DON’T use lotion or ointment on your hands or feet
The above is ideal conditions for measuring. BUT... you can come in anytime to measure yourself to establish a BASELINE. In order to have consistent readings, you will need to replicate the same conditions as your initial test. For example, measure yourself before class or after class or before lunch or after lunch, etc.
We are using the honor system. Please enter in your Cell Number as your ID. The unit will be left on and instructions posted. Please remember to sign the sheet so we can properly charge you.
Here is a video on how to Interpret the Results